
Welcome to Valerie McTavish Coaching

This is where female entrepreneurs come to gain video confidence and access actionable video strategies through comprehensive workshops, coaching, and courses so they can increase their reach, leads, and sales. Is that what you need? Take a look at what’s available now and hit that contact button if you have any questions. If you’re looking for valuable but free content and resources, hop on over to my main website valeriemctavish.com

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What Would You Like to Learn Today?

I’m committed to helping female entrepreneurs tap into the power of video whether it’s with my signature course+coaching+community program, Video Marketing Mastery or one of my many practical workshops. Let’s get you on video!

how to use ai to write video scripts effectively

Unleash Your Video Potential: AI-Powered Video Scripts Workshop for Female Entrepreneurs. Transform your business with effective, intentional, authentic video scripts (written by AI in minutes).

 goal actualization system success entrepreneur

Discover How Ambitious Entrepreneurs Fuel their Success using the Goal Actualization System in this Interactive, Virtual Workshop


Build your content calendar for the next quarter in this interactive, 3-hour workshop for female entrepreneurs.

Video Marketing Coach Valerie McTavish

Learn to unlock the power of storytelling in videos to increase audience trust (if you don’t think you have stories worth sharing).


Go from video-resistant to video-confident so you can increase reach, authority, and sales (even if the idea of being on camera scares the pants off you!)


Not sure which course is right for you? Book a free strategy session.

Resource Library

Browse Through the Video Resources and Templates Available

From templates that you can download and use, content calendar, scripts, checklists, tutorials, and videos waiting to be answered. The resources library is one click away.


A library of useful templates that you can download and use. Includes scripts, outlines, and a content calendar.

Equipment Demos

Five essential hands on videos of the equipment you may want to use when recording your videos. Lights, camera, audio, mics and teleprompter.


A variety of lists including production process checklists and camera, lighting, and production gear lists (with links).

FAQ Videos

Five essential hands on videos of the equipment you may want to use when recording your videos. Lights, camera, audio, mics and teleprompter.