


Design your signature program and marketing funnel in 30 days so you can stop selling your time and build a scalable business, designed to fit your desired lifestyle.

  • 2 x 1hr. One-on-one coaching session to design your program using the specialized AI system
  • 1 hr. program finalization review and design session
  • Done-for-you course content assets
  • Done-for-you marketing funnel assets
  • Weekly group coaching call (including access to meeting recordings) for 3 months.
  • Access to the private Gondola Facebook Community (for the life of the community)



The Gondola program includes the development of a signature program (online course or group coaching offer) using a specialized AI system in conjunction with private coaching from Valerie McTavish

It also includes the delivery of essential assets required to build and launch your new signature program.

In addition, there will be support provided through weekly group coaching calls and a private Facebook community.

*This is a 3-month program including the initial 30 days to create the program and funnel assets*

Deliverables include:

  • 2 x 1hr. One-on-one coaching session to design your program using the specialized AI system
  • 1 hr. program finalization review and design session
  • Series of slideshows to be used in recording the course content (editable in Canva)
  • PDF lead magnet based on your program to be used for the top of the program’s marketing funnel (editable in Canva)
  • Copy for the lead magnet opt-in page
  • Lead magnet email sequence
  • Copy for the sales page
  • Video script for the sales page
  • Copy for 50 Social media posts
  • Weekly group coaching call (including access to meeting recordings) for 3 months
  • Access to the private Gondola Facebook Community (for the life of the community)

The client is responsible for:

  • Booking and attending the initial session within the first week of the program
  • Committing to decisions made in the program finalization session (as assets will be created based on these decisions)
  • Recording course content videos
  • All things related to setting up, building, and managing their course on a learning management system or course delivery platform of their choice
  • All things related to their CRM (email delivery system) including building opt-in, setting up email sequences, and marketing
  • Managing their social media promotional campaigns
  • All changes and updates to creative assets
  • Vetting ALL assets — assets will be partially AI-created and they MUST be reviewed and/or edited (guidance will be given)

BONUS – Select Your Welcome Gift. Choose one:

  1. 90-Minute Clarity Session – Get the clarity you need before we start the Gondola process in this scheduled, 90-min. session. Value: $600
  2. 3 Months Group Coaching – Continue your access to the Gondola Group after your initial 90-days. Value $600
  3. 3 Months Laser Coaching – Weekly 15-minute coaching sessions during set office hours for 3 consecutive months. Value: $750

If you’d like all of the welcome gifts, you will be given an opportunity to purchase them all in the welcome email that follows.